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Our Story
Jan 2018

March 26
Website & IG launched
End of March
Invention of bag monster and strategy for first protest on Earth Day (April 22)
April 2018

Jan.5 2018
It all started with GGI's First meeting & Cleanup
March 18

April 22
Earth Day Strike (our first of many)
April 23
First appearance in international news
April 23-30
Video of bag monster in 7/11 goes viral
April 26
Invitation to have meeting with Thai-Environmental Institute (Our First Big Meeting)
May 2018

June 8
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Invitation to attend World Oceans Day event at Central World
June 19
GGI start the '*Is this yours' campaign on IG. Greenpeace stole it from us a few months later
July 2018

August 18
Greta Thunberg starts her protest movement *
August 25
GGI students invited to attend meeting with Advance Bio to discuss reusable culture and youth advocacy
May 4
First school workshop at British Columbia International School of Bangkok
May 16
Geoff invited to speak about educational reform and the environment at the UNEP
May 22
Invited to give workshop at Garden International School
June 2018

April 22
Three GGI students start internship at WeLearn
August 2018

September 2018

October 6
GGI first merchandise (metal straws, student-designed stickers, bamboo straws from our partner Sunny's Sustainability Products)
October 10
GGI's first soi cleanup (collaboration and instruction from Trash Hero)
October 30
Interview by India Express about youth advocacy
October 31
Bag monster invite for Halloween event at K-Village
September 2
GGI opens new hub at Berkeley International School
September 3
GGI meeting with Broccoli Revolution to discuss future collaborations and eco-waste (we would eventually form a business relationship)
September 16
GGI invited to speak at Swedish Embassy in front of Swedish Ambassador
September 23
GGI Student interviewed by Swedish National Radio
October 2018

November 2018

January 10
GGI student invited to speak at an EcoBeasts event at St. Andrews
February 2018

March 15

Host Friday's for Future protest at The Government House of Thailand (Paul speaks for 2nd time) [3rd strike]
March 16
GGI featured on CNN for the first time. Also second time in Reuters
March 17
GGI Featured on Thai PBS (Paul Interviewed about Strike at Govt. House}
March 29
GGI hosts 3rd soi cleanup. This one was our first solo organized cleanup
November 2018
Invited to give a keynote (Geoff), workshop (GGI students), and merchandise booth (students) at ServICE conference at ASB
January 2019

February 2
AQI (air pollution) Strike at Siam because schools were closed due to staggering AQI count [2nd Strike]
February 24
Meeting with Greenpeace about building and replicating student-led platform
February 25
Co-hosted interactive soi cleanup event with Trash Hero, Sang Foundation, and Precious Plastics on Rama IX road
March 2019

April 2019

May 15
Second beach cleanup at BangSaen in Chon buri
May 26
GGI organized strike at Thai Government House [4th protest]. Climate Strike Thailand steals our idea and organizes their first at BTS Asok
June 2019

July 5
Invitation to attend Social Business Day as Youth Ambassadors hosted by Nobel Prize Winner Mohammad Yunas
July 20
Partnership agreement with GGI and Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce
August 2019
September 15

Participation with TICC to commemorate Corrado Feroci’s legacy in Thailand. (Booth and speech by Marlena about youth leadership and advocacy for purpose)
September 20
Partnership agreement with GGI and Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce
September 20
St. Andrews 107 presentation for whole high school about student-centered learning
September 24
GGI leadership appears in CNN video clip in leading protest to Ministry of Education for youth climate strike
April 9-10
Koh Tao beach cleanup. Partnered with local small businesses. about 100 people showed up
April 22
Invited to speak at Emquartier's Earth Day initiative (Paul Speaks for 3rd time)
May 2019

June 25
GGI organized second Bangsaen beach cleanup with Sang Foundation and Precious Plastics
July 2019

August 27
GGI attends UN/Chula University environmental event on education and youth involvement (Paul & Geoff speak)
Semtember 2019

October 2019

November 2019

December 16
GGI hosts soi cleanup with 953 Community Mall off Thong Lor BTS
January 2020

February 15
GGI hosted beach cleanup scavenger hunt with Concordian and Wells international schools
November 2020

January 20
GGI successfully opened its 2nd hub at Sophia University, Tokyo Japan
January 2022

February 15
GGI co-organizes the annual ServICE conference at Berkeley International School
February 20
Co-Director of the Bangkok hub, Celicia Cordes, invited to be a guest panelist for Love Wildlife’s panel discussion at the Bangkok Arts and Museum’s Marine Conservation Conference.
April 12
GGI held its 7th climate strike. This time at the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, where we delivered a letter and held a meeting with the secretary expressing our desire to see Thailand invest more in solar energy. Covered by multiple news organizations.
November 27
GGI co-hosted the 13th annual ServICE Conference at Berkeley International School. Close to 250 change makers from 17 different schools attended. Co-Founder of GGI, Steve Riss speaks as lead organizer
March 2023
April 10

After years of trying, recycling bins are now at Berkeley International School due to GGI member Alicia Galarza’s continued efforts.
September 2023

July 2023

November 15
Organized and held a clean up of the Chao Phraya River in Pathum Thani, one hour North of Bangkok.
November 30
GGI opens its 4th hub in Hong Kong
February 2024
March 2

Hong Kong Hub organizes first beach cleanup on Lamma Island, HK
March 9
GGI Hong Kong member, Isabella Chan, speaks on a climate panel at Kellett International School's Sustainability Conference
March 16
GGI Hong Kong members, Pun Yiu Tsui, Anna Wing-Lam Leung, & Isabella Chan, participate in a keynote speaking competition on the theme of 'A Breath of Fresh AIr' at the Clean Air Network Office, Hong Kong
April 2024

October 1
Concordian International School opens our 3rd hub
October 16
Kyushu University in Japan asks GGI to host a workshop and soi cleanup for their visit to Bangkok
October 22
GGI organized first PADI cleanup at Pattaya with Mermaids Dive Center
October 22
Geoff invitation to give keynote speech with Lnoppen Group about educational innovation in the 21st century
October 28
Invitation to discuss environmental youth advocacy with UNESCO November 10: GGI 4th beach cleanup. Organized with partner schools; Wells & Concordian
November 19
GGI host a soi cleanup workshop at the ServICE event hosted by ICS
November 21
GGI invited to speak at UN SEA of Changes event at UN ESCAP center (Ennio gives Keynote)
December 2019

January 1
Ban of single-use plastic bags in major stores, malls, shops - Proud to have done our part!!
January 9-20
GGI campaign to raise money for the Australia wildfires via vegan bake sale.
February 2020
November 22

GGI invited to attend the UN's Digital SEA of Changes conference via Zoom due to COVID (3rd year in a row being invited)
January 2021
January 10

GGI successfully opened its 3rd hub in Doha, Qatar. Geoff speaks on a panel about sustainability in the Middle East
February 2022

April 2022

November 2022

March 14
Along with members of the UNEP, GGI was Invited to tour Chulalongkorn University’s zero waste food processing program.
April 2023

September 19
Attended, had a booth and gave an ICE Session at the 14th annual ServICE Conference held at NIST.
July 23
Geoff gives TEDx in Bangkok on AI & experiential education
November 2023

February 28-29
Hong Kong hub hosts its first highly successful vegan bake-sale
March 2024

April 1
GGI Doha, organizes its first desert cleanup
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